increasing returns to scale

美 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ rɪˈtɜːrnz tu skeɪl]英 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ rɪˈtɜːnz tu skeɪl]
  • 按规模递增收益
increasing returns to scaleincreasing returns to scale
  1. As economic integration affect long-term economic growth through the size effect of Increasing returns to scale sector .


  2. Scale operation exists the effect of increasing returns to scale , but appears elements against efficiency configuration .


  3. Increasing Returns to Scale , the Framework of Endogenous Growth and the " New " Development of the Trade Theory


  4. Sources of Labor Productivity Increase in China Manufacturing Industry & Based on Increasing Returns to Scale and Labor Structure Change


  5. Empirical Study on Industry Clustering of High-tech Zones in China : Geographical Concentration and Increasing Returns to Scale


  6. Beds of hospital in 2009 after expansion in the number of stages of increasing returns to scale .


  7. Preceding paragraph are divided into three parts : Chapter one describes the static trade model under the assumption of increasing returns to scale ;


  8. There are different characteristics of increasing returns to scale about input and output of technology innovation between state corporation and Sino-foreign joint ventures .


  9. The second is a new technology exhibiting increasing returns to scale due to technological externalities , about whose returns economic agents have only incomplete information .


  10. Increasing returns to scale is observed by the endogenous growth theory , which reveals urban long-term economic growth depends on the technology progress and human capital accumulation .


  11. New Economic Geography ( NEG ) represented by Paul Krugman provides a new interpretation of industry agglomeration , combining factors including transport costs and increasing returns to scale .


  12. As for regional economy , because of the intra-industrial and inter-industrial relationship , increasing returns to scale has been shown up not only in enterprises level but also in industry level .


  13. On this basis , in order to discuss the effect on economic growth of an increase in natural resource , this article constructs an entrepreneurs ' rent-seeking model including increasing returns to scale and rent-seeking behavior .


  14. Cultural capital is characterized by its increasing returns to scale , and is a scarce element for realization of marginal increasing returns . Cultural capital has great influence on the formation of entrepreneur spirit and enterprise innovation .


  15. Of course there should exist the manufacturing sector of increasing returns to scale . This means that the scale economies at the plant level would make each variety of products be produced by a single plant in a single region .


  16. While in reality the level of weakening economic growth by factors outflow of the less developed regions is relatively small , thus under increasing returns to scale , factors flow in one direction is most conducive to macro-economic growth .


  17. Although the output would increase by 0.65652 % if the creative human capital stock increases by 1 % , the impact of creative human capital stock on economic growth of China does not have the characteristic of increasing returns to scale .


  18. Increasing returns to scale in the sample stage hospitals , hospital beds number of health professionals and health services , and revenue had a positive effect , in which health professionals impact on output is more significant . Conclusion : 1 .


  19. But inside or outside the D-S frame , increasing returns to scale typically depend on the scale of mono-industry ; and the appearing of any new industry would result in the going up of the crowded cost without any improvement in productivity .


  20. As a result , increasing in labor productivity inside cluster is endogenous and shown up by the characteristics of increasing returns to scale .
